Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Day/Last Day

Not much to say that I haven't already, but this is a picture of Ian on his first and last day of daycare at Kindercare. I've said many times how much we wanted him out of there...and it only took a couple months to figure out that it wasn't for us, but you don't know what you don't know. Our options were limited and it seemed good at first. We changed our minds as Ian got older, we learned more about his personality, and we figured out how to be parents (not everything's intuitive!).

I'm sure I'll have some pics of Ian's first day at his new daycare come Monday. Stay tuned for another comparison.

It's easy to see here how much he has changed from Feb 08 to now...although he still couldn't figure out why I was taking pictures of him in the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. How amazing!!! It doesn't seem possible he has grown that much.One thing has not changed.....he is still too too adorable.
