Ian's First Easter
Something tells me they didn't worship giant bunnies or celebrate the resurrection of Christ in Wenzhou, China. I'm not even sure they would know what to do with a basket filled with plastic grass or sugar dipped marshmallows shaped like baby chickens.
But now that he's here, Ian is subject to everything that makes the western world the masters at over marketed expensive excuses to eat and drink in excess. I'm sure the government is loving holidays like Easter, that in times like these, do more to "stimulate the economy" than all the ridiculous tax rebate checks put together ever will. Off my soap box now to talk about Ian's first introduction to Easter...
It was any other morning for him other than the fact that he got to wear his PJ's until well into the afternoon and got a basket full of fun stuff in the AM that made the day really whiz by. I know it makes me a horrible mother, but Ian was not getting a basket full of candy today. I also didn't see the logic in spending money on an Easter basket that would just wind up in a land fill...and I don't fill baskets full of crap and display them around the house...so I had to come up with a creative alternative. I found a storage basket with wheels and handles that would be perfect for picking up toys and carrying around the living room. Ian loves to push and pull things, so this would be practical and fun. Let's just say it could have been the one and only gift from any and all people today and he would have been more than content.
I did fill it with toys and other things he needed anyway. I realized what a 'mom' thing I did when I also included sippy cups and a new box of Infant Motrin in the basket. Such a mom thing. If I had enough time to make it to Costco for wipes and diapers yesterday, they would have gone in the basket also, I'm sure.
So Ian played with the toys and basket all morning while Polli destroyed her new toy in less time than it took Shawn to take a shower...but the cutest thing today of all was that Ian figured out all on his own that by turning the box over and standing on it, he could easily reach the counters. Since we don't have step stools anywhere in the house, this was pretty amazing. Analytical thinking at work... and while I was irritated that he'd figured that out, I was just as thrilled that a new learning skill had emerged. I'll say it once and I'll say it again...My kid's a genius.
He did something else on his own that was VERY smart... When Polli had torn the stuffing out of her toy, Ian started picking it up piece by piece and carrying it over to the garbage under the sink to throw it away. He picked up every piece of the fluff and threw it away, to big applause and cheers every time. What a big helper.
Shawn's folks and his oldest brother Mark & his wife Shannon came over in the afternoon and Ian and Polli were our entertainment for the afternoon. Ian discovered a new love for these things called chips, and enjoyed some graham cracker snacks from Aunt Shannon, shaped like dog bones.
Trish brought a gift for him on behalf of my parents in Arizona... Giant eggs that were reminiscent of the huge pantyhose eggs I played with as a child, filled with matchbox cars. He played with them for a long time with Uncle Mark after which time the eggs were relegated to the bath toy bin... perfect for drinking bath water, so he discovered later. Great!
All in all, it was a wonderful day. Ian was feeling better and a great little host...only shedding a few tears when the chip bowl was replaced by broccoli and tofu.
Tomorrow, Ian has his first full length speech therapy appointment at the house and then my parents come to town on Thursday! We'll spend the day with them Friday, when Ian turns... drum roll please... 2 years old! 24 big ones.
Pictures below are from throughout the day today. I took over 120 pictures in all. Who knew a random Sunday in March could be so much fun?
It took him a few minutes to figure out that we were just giving him all this stuff...No strings attached.
He even liked it when there was no one around to propel him around the room.
The little genius figured out pretty quickly that he could turn it upside down and reach that elusive cutting board...where his food is born.
After Polli had destroyed her new toy, Ian took it upon himself to pick up the stuffing...
...And march it over to the garbage. He is great at the "put away" and "throw away" games.
Polli tried hard to hypnotize Grandpa Tom into giving her his cheese and crackers, but it didn't work.
Opening the eggs from Grama and Paga in Arizona.
Playing with Uncle Mark and Aunt Shannon
We are so glad Ian had a wonderful Easter. The pictures were great but Polli took front stage. I laughed so hard I ruined my eye make-up!!