The Noodle Kid meets the Pizza Delivery Boy
Friday afternoon, about 30 minutes before I normally pick Ian up, I received a call from his teacher saying he was sick and needed to be picked up. She said he had been lethargic and laying down with his blanket much of the day. When I arrived, he was sitting at the snack table looking quite normal, and his daily summary showed that he took a shorter than normal nap and rated a "cheerful", not "content" or "tired". Hmmm. What am I supposed to think? Either they wanted to get the kids out of there so their weekend could start or their daily summaries are not all that accurate.
He was pretty mellow on the ride home, but no real red flags that he wasn't feeling well. Still skeptical. However, it became fairly evident upon arriving home that he was not himself. He didn't want Polli anywhere near him and he was rubbing his eyes like crazy. We put him down for a bonus nap and had to physically wake him 2 hours later to give him dinner. He ate well, but still quiet, and then it was off to bath and bed after a dose of Motrin. He went down easily and was asleep before Shawn left the room...and not a peep from 6pm to 7:30am.
He was at about 80% today, with a 3.5 hour nap filling most of the late morning/afternoon, but for the most part was fine, just a little sensitive. He went to bed early again, and I'm hoping all this extra sleep will make him a good host for Easter tomorrow.
Because we had gale force winds in our neighborhood today, we skipped the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled at the park across the street. With Ian not feeling great, the last thing we needed was to force an ear infection or worse. There's always next year for egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. He doesn't have a clue about any of it yet anyway.
We did have tons of fun this morning with our newest homemade toy...a pizza box. Ian couldn't get enough of it. One day, I'll have to post all of our fun homemade toys/games over the months. I'm still wondering why we all get sucked into the commercial toy scam. He seems to appreciate the toys that come as a surprise anyway and no one is especially heartbroken when it's time to throw them away.
I also just have to post a picture of Ian eating noodles. Lots of kids from China are "noodle babies" and are adept at eating them correctly before they can walk... but Ian refused noodles in China... only eating rice. Even our guide was surprised that he didn't like noodles. We tried again the other night and he had a great time slurping them...and trying to teach Polli to do the same.
Another cheap toy that offered hours of amusement!
...Ten for Polli
I had to throw this one in... He loves to look at pictures. He can identify Shawn in most of them, but never knows me... Maybe if I kept one hair color or style for long my child would recognize me!
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