Ian's Slumber Party
Saturday, we headed south to Grandma Trish and Grandpa Tom's house to hang out (and pray it would be cooler there than at our house). Shawn had a night dive scheduled near them and it made sense for us to hang out there for the evening and stay over.
It did get into the 90's and VERY humid, but they have a great shady sitting area that drops the temperature at least 10 degrees. We hung out there much of the day.
Trish and I took Ian to a local outlet mall that is shaped like a big donut with kids activities along the way. Ian wasn't walking the last time I took him there, so it was fun to see him enjoy the play area and he literally ran at a full sprint ahead of us through the entire mall, often veering into oncoming "traffic". I apologized to countless people for A)My son's lack of direction and coordination, and B)My inability to keep him under control. He only tripped and fell once, but luckily there was limited drama and no blood...so no harm done.
Ian was a dream all day...and when I say all day, I mean 8am to 10pm with no nap. I know. 10pm with no nap. Insane! But, he was having a great day (with 2 dinners) and it felt OK to let him stay up so late. They have a wagon full of the old Chevron cars and Ian literally played with just those cars the entire day with utter contentment.
Tom and I left Trish to put him to bed while we took off to see Tropic Thunder, which was hilarious, but a few crude scenes...and maybe Tom Cruise's chance to redeem himself. Worth seeing if you like stupid humor and don't mind language. Robert Downey Jr. makes the movie, in my opinion.
So, by the time we returned, Shawn was back from his night dive and announced that the underwater housing to my digital camera leaked and it was ruined...So as we speak my new camera is charging...and shall never see a body of water, so help me.
Ian slept through a thunder storm that night and until after 10:00, when Shawn went in and woke him. He was a little irritable, so we cut our lazy Sunday short and headed home...where he promptly went down for a nap, then was in bed by 7pm. We had the most humid day of recent record on Sunday and a thunderstorm that night, so we were all a little cranky and tired...and ready for a cool down.
Back to the grind. Grandma Trish comes out Wednesday for a bonus day, to meet Ian's speech therapist. We decided it's a good idea for her, as Ian's primary "secondary" caretaker (after daycare), to meet his therapist.
He is really into colors right now and labels almost everything he can by color. Yellow, Blue, White, and Red so far. We're working on Green. He knows it and can identify it, but won't say it. Orange is hard and usually falls to red. There must be a developmental reason everything for kids is primary. Those are the colors he gravitates to.
He is also starting to learn his numbers. He gets as far as 1, 2... and then mumbles a couple times...and then an exuberant 9. The flash cards they use at school must have something he likes on the nine card; most likely bikes or buses.
Below are some cute pictures from our overnight stay at grandma and grandpa's house.
Hanging out in the front yard with his cars
Exploring the flora & fauna with grandpa
He does look so long! He's growing so much.