Friday, December 28, 2007

Breaking News... 21 and Walking! (sort of)

Ian is 21 months old today and we caught this video of him doing what big boys do... walking! For the past few weeks, we have been able to get him to walk a few steps at a time unassisted, but it's really more like letting his feet surrender to gravity and he falls into our arms. He is always extremely proud of himself, so he knows it's a big deal. He can almost run using his walker, so it's only a matter of time before he realizes that's just a prop and he can do it on his own.

Today, he let go and made it all the way across the room, even maneuvering around Polli a few times. I was able to get a few seconds of grainy video... Enough to consider it actual walking. We were able to get him to do this 5 or 6 times before he tired of it.

(click the play icon twice to start the video)


  1. happy 21 months Ian. We are soooo proud of your expertise on walking!!!! We knew you could do it. Way to go. Love, Grama and Paga

  2. Oh look at him go! Way to go Ian! He will be all over the place before you know it! :)
