Friday, October 12, 2007

So Much Can Happen in a Year

One year ago today, I posted the first post on my blog. It was only a couple of weeks into our paperchase and at that point, we had yet to tell our family of our plans to adopt. We were 7 months away from laying eyes on our son for the first time.

At that point, the little lady above was the center of our universe and in many ways, still is. The closer we get to travel, the more we realize just how much we'll really REALLY miss her while we're gone. Boy will life be different for her when we get home!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how much can happen when we least expect it. Last year we were paperchasing and dreaming of a baby girl. 12 months later we are counting down the days to go get our little man :) If you think Polli has it bad, our pup is headed to the 3rd row of the mini-van and she will NOT be happy. That means she'll be about 4 feet from us. Mean parents we are! :)
