Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another Turn of the Page

As if it weren't stressful enough going through this adoption process, my parents decided to spring on me that they are selling their house and moving to Arizona. Out of the blue on a random Sunday afternoon over sandwiches and iced tea, they just decided…

"You know, rather than refinishing those kitchen cabinets, let's just sell the house we made a home for our family 30 years ago, quit our jobs and move to Arizona."

It probably didn't happen quite like that, but I don't think I'm too far off. My dad is retired and is now a professional Judge Judy jury member, but my mom has been working for herself now for about 20 years now and it has been a great gig…but alas, it is time for her to stop doing chores and running errands for spoiled doctor's wives and kids, and enjoy life with dad on her own schedule. Since I was very young, I remember hearing nothing but horrible things about the weather and traffic of Washington State. I'm not sure why we never moved. My dad could have been a truck driver from anywhere, and same goes for my mom's status as domestic goddess. I suppose it was just the rat race that kept us in Washington and away from someplace warmer and with a much lower cost of living (seriously, do y'all know what houses and gas costs up here?).

While I was shocked that they are moving far far away and selling the only childhood home I've ever known, I am also really happy for them. I am excited for them to finally relax after decades of hard labor. Their house is on the market and creating quite a buzz. Here's to hoping it sells fast and for more that they expect!

Good luck in your next adventure mom & dad! You won't get to see your grandson as much as you might like, but he'll love visiting his grama & paga!

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