Ian Turns Two!
Today is a pretty monumental day for us... It's Ian's 2nd Birthday! He spent the day as I think everyone should...playing hookie from school, hanging out with his grandparents, and shoe shopping! (No really. We went shoe shopping).
My parents, Ian's Grama & Paga, flew into town last night from Arizona just in time to enjoy our Spring snowstorm in Seattle. Nothing like adjusting to a 50 degree difference in the weather! We picked them up from their hotel and headed to do some shopping. The original plan was to go toy shopping for Ian's birthday, but we ended up at Macy's buying shoes. I'm not sure how that happened, but he actually liked it there. He walked with his Paga and checked out the shoe displays. That's my boy!
We continued on to lunch with my mom's old employer prior to her retirement, and had a wonderful time. Ian was very well behaved and even managed to eat an entire plate of Asian Chicken Salad and steamed dumplings. Their house is a museum of worldly acquired one of a kind pieces of art and glass, and not really the place for a toddler, but he did great and didn't break a single item (but kept me on my toes, I can tell you that much). He especially enjoyed their grand piano and plunked the keys like a true maestro.
From there, we further defied nap time physics and went to Toys R Us, where my parents bought him his first real car...a Cozy Coupe and some play instruments. He test drove one in the store and loved it, so lets hope it doesn't fall victim to the Cozy Coupe junk yard anytime soon.
We dropped them off at their hotel and headed home to round out our day with dinner and a bath...and despite the lack of sleep, he remained chipper and happy. He's a mature 2 year old, for sure.
His birthday party is Sunday at his Grandma Trish & Grandpa Tom's house... that will be when the real festivities happen.
I only took a few pictures today to prevent being a rude house guest, but they're cute:
My parents, Ian's Grama & Paga, flew into town last night from Arizona just in time to enjoy our Spring snowstorm in Seattle. Nothing like adjusting to a 50 degree difference in the weather! We picked them up from their hotel and headed to do some shopping. The original plan was to go toy shopping for Ian's birthday, but we ended up at Macy's buying shoes. I'm not sure how that happened, but he actually liked it there. He walked with his Paga and checked out the shoe displays. That's my boy!
We continued on to lunch with my mom's old employer prior to her retirement, and had a wonderful time. Ian was very well behaved and even managed to eat an entire plate of Asian Chicken Salad and steamed dumplings. Their house is a museum of worldly acquired one of a kind pieces of art and glass, and not really the place for a toddler, but he did great and didn't break a single item (but kept me on my toes, I can tell you that much). He especially enjoyed their grand piano and plunked the keys like a true maestro.
From there, we further defied nap time physics and went to Toys R Us, where my parents bought him his first real car...a Cozy Coupe and some play instruments. He test drove one in the store and loved it, so lets hope it doesn't fall victim to the Cozy Coupe junk yard anytime soon.
We dropped them off at their hotel and headed home to round out our day with dinner and a bath...and despite the lack of sleep, he remained chipper and happy. He's a mature 2 year old, for sure.
His birthday party is Sunday at his Grandma Trish & Grandpa Tom's house... that will be when the real festivities happen.
I only took a few pictures today to prevent being a rude house guest, but they're cute:

I had to get a picture of his birthday suit... and cute package!
Shoe shopping agreed with him....Note to self.
He remembered my dad, his Paga. He lit up as soon as he saw him. He wasn't sure about my mom at first, but in the end, everyone remembers grandma's love, so I'm not worried.
Playing piano. He loved it...and left the fingerprints to show for it!
Happy birthday Ian!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd Birthday Ian!!!! Enjoy your party today. Try not to party too hard. And no lampshades on your head :)
ReplyDeleteLove, The Links