Nothing Much Happening
It's been a pretty boring week so far. We haven't had anything out of the ordinary going on and with Ian's early to bed/early to rise schedule, it means most of our waking hours together are spent eating, bathing, and dressing.
We have spent much of the time between school and dinner outside the past 3 days, and Ian is increasingly comfortable with our yard and it's contents. We're both a little bored with the small toddler park across from our house, so in the next few days, if the weather cooperates, we'll seek out more parks in the neighborhood or make a trip into Bellevue to the city center park there. I think Ian would be perfectly happy to go anywhere that he can walk without being bothered to hold someone's hand, so if we can, we'll go somewhere with a trail or track that he can just let loose and go.
This weekend, weather pending, we are planning to make a trip to our nearby dog park to give Polli and Ian a chance to interact with others a bit; we will also try taking Ian to our club to dangle his feet in the pool. We were unable to get him into the March/April swimming classes, but want him to be at least a little bit familiar with the water before starting lessons in May/June. We are heading over to Idaho for a family vacation in July and would love it if we can avoid meltdowns over fear of the lake.
The video below is of Ian and Shawn playing on our bed (Ian was trying to make himself bounce), a couple pictures of Ian cruising the halls in his diaper, and a picture of him in his diaper while in China to give you an idea of how much he has grown in 4 short months (same size diaper)... he's getting taller and thinner compared to the chunky little guy we picked up.
He loves bouncing on the bed. Here, he's trying to bounce by himself...
I was wondering why his diaper was so baggy...until I took it off and found a sock stuffed in the back... let's jut say he had an accomplice.
Bed acrobatics. You can almost hear me saying "watch his head!"
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