Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Surprise Update

I talked to our agency rep today to check and double check our paperwork. At the end of the call, she casually mentioned that they received a surprise update today on Ian. While we can't really complain, it seems so strange that they would send an update just days before we travel, especially when we had asked for something a few times with no response.

It was actually nice to have his first measurements since he was 9 months old (which would have come in handy when I was splurging on clothes that definitely won't fit him now). I graphed out his weight, length, and head circ. and feel pretty good about his stats. He was a little peanut when he was found at 3 months, but bounced back well. I am keeping in mind that the charts I used are outdated (circa 1993)and are based on nude weight. If I take into account probable layering in his 3 and 9 month weights, they're not too terribly accurate. I've seen summer pics of him and it doesn't look like they layer too much in the warmer months and/or on the older kids, so I think there's a chance that the 18 month stats are accurate give or take. We shall see, shortly!

Today's report also noted that:

"He mimics words well, such as MaMa (!!!!!!!) and Ah-Yee" "He likes to listen to music and gets along well with other children".

There was a bit more, but there were a few things in these sentences that stuck with me: He said Mama! (Who knows if he knows what that means), he is mimicking words (which is a big deal for a boy with possible hearing loss), and he likes music (which could be a generalization that they use for all kids)but might also indicate success with his hearing.

We leave in less than a week now and we're definitely starting to get antsy to hold our son. I've been counting down for some time now, but we're at that point where I can almost reach out and touch November 6th (gotcha day)... in 2 weeks time, I'll be a parent...I mean, a MaMa!


  1. Steph, That's awesome! That is a great indicator that his hearing is good. It won't be long now.

  2. I must have missed a lot of posts at work because I never knew any history or that you were doing this. Just that you were leaving .. probably hit the personal delete button way to fast.

    This is all great news to me and we wish you the best of luck in this. we will be checking the blog to find out how things are going

  3. Have a great time! So excited to finally see your son join your family!
    Kirsten from WA

