Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ian Mrzena- The Motion Picture

A wonderful family from Arizona recently visited Ian's Child Welfare Institute in Wenzhou, China and graciously took pictures as well as a video of him for us. This was a huge milestone because it proves that he is a living, breathing baby...and a big one. This kid hasn't missed a meal and we couldn't be happier about that fact.

So without delay, please enjoy a few minutes of what is obviously toddler chaos in the Wenzhou CWI...and a quiet, observant Ian stuck in the middle of it all!


  1. Isn't it great getting to see images like this?
    Glad to see you are able to do it!
    He looks great! It's nice to see the conditions of the CWI look really good too!

  2. Feels weird coming back to this after 15 years. Happy to say that I am doing well. One day I may go to China, hopefully somewhere along that journey I'll gain something from it. I'm so happy how things have turned out, hopefully the others seen in this video also get to live amazing lives. I wish I knew how fortunate I was at the time, even though I was so young.

  3. Officially now an adult! Feels even stranger visiting this site after so long. I am very thankful for the wonderful adventures and opportunities I have had over the course of my life. Here's to the future!
