Ian doesn't spend much time in my TV/reading/craft room anymore, although it was his primary play area when he first came home. The Tivo buttons and craft drawers are much too tempting now and I don't know that he is aware that the TV omits a mesmerizing display, normally irresistable to other kids his age.
He came in to see me after his bath the other night and finally noticed the large globe that sits behind the sofa, exclaiming loudly "BALL!!". I pointed out where he was born, but he had much more fun spinning it and skidding it to a stop with his fingers... maybe he'll be a travel nut like his parents. The world is yours for the exploring, kid! I hope he has the chance to do a lot of exploring it before life lowers it's heavy anchor and there's just no justifying it anymore.
Yesterday, the Postal Carrier was kind enough to ring the doorbell right in the middle of naptime and then leave a package and run off. Why can't they just leave it without ringing the doorbell if they don't need a signature? Needless to say, it cut naptime short and we were able to resume our day's fun. This time, using the delivered box (incidentally Ian's new toybox from his Grandma Trish) as a makeshift slide, tunnel, and breakdancing surface. No one can accuse Shawn of not being creative with everyday objects. One day, I'll do a post bringing together the pictures of Shawn's homemade toy inventions over the months. His art schooling is paying off finally, I guess.
Yesterday, we drove the 500 yards to our neighborhood Mexican restaurant to give eating out with a toddler another whirl. We drove because it was snowing/sleeting (in late April!!) and we were too lazy to bundle up the kid. Anyway, Ian did fantastic in the restaurant. I packed his lunch, which he ate every last bit (tofu, broccoli, and fruit) and then proceeded to polish off all of my rice and beans, washed down with milk. He played happily with the crayons they provide and never really made a mess (or a scene). I was impressed. Could more outings be in our future? Just wait. There will be a day that we try out a movie with him. That ought to be fun!
Back to the snow thing... It has snowed off and on all weekend, which is, of itself, not incredibly common in Seattle, let alone this far into spring... however, three weekends ago we had snow to our late March surprise (and the chagrin of my parents visiting from Arizona). Last Saturday, it was 80 degrees and we were excited to break a heat record for April. BBQ's were sizzling... Margarita's were whirring...Only a few days later, it was back down in the 30's and 40's and snow looked inevitable for all of Seattle. Uggh. We're only 60-some days away from summer and it's snowing? Yes! We woke yesterday to several inches and although it's mostly melted now, there were flurries when I took Polli for a walk this morning. Yesterday officially marked the latest snow and coldest day, in Seattle history, ever. One week ago, we did NOT see this coming. I hope this means we've earned a very nice summer. Ian deserves it after coming from a tropic region of China to nothing but cold and wet for the past 5 months. I'm also panicking a bit because the stores have stopped selling long sleeved shirts and he's starting to grow out of what's in his closet. Apparently the retailers don't think about these things for the segment of the population that is not done growing.
So the pictures below show a variety of things that have been going on this weekend. Amazing since we haven't really gone anywhere.

My poor magnolia blossoms weren't expecting this. Needless to say, they are all but destroyed.
Ian's new thing is "talking" on the phone. His newest word is "uh-ruh" (hello) and just about anything can double as a phone apparently.
That tan blob looks vaguely familiar... It's China!

What a clown. Apparently Ian wants to visit French Polynesia. Me too, Ian!

My parents bought him a tunnel in Arizona only a few months ago...and he was petrified of it. Looks like that fear is gone, or doesn't apply to the cardboard variety.

This is either the Moonwalk, the Macarena, or the Electric Slide.

The toybox goes to good use... as a slide. I saw this coming the second I opened the door and saw the box. Good times were about to be had.

Back from lunch and the box hadn't lost it's allure yet.

Kicking it up a notch... if one box were good, two would be great. And what kid doesn't figure out a way to turn the stairs into a slide?

I was tempted to give this a try. It did look like a fun way to spend a cold wet day inside.